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Client Services

Unlock Financing for Nature  

We are a Strategic Advisory business that also offers Project Management, Financing & Investment. When combined with our partners this provides an extraordinary breadth of expertise for our clients to draw upon.


This includes access to the largest network of ecologists in the UK,  a wide range of highly experienced Environmental Service Providers both locally and internationally and a partnership with The James Hutton Institute, the world leading indepedent scientific body that sits at the intersection of environmental, climate and food security.  


Whether you're a Corporate or Developer, large scale Landowner or Manager, NGO or Natural Capital Investor, 

our whole of market approach allows us to provide an expertly tailored, impactful solution.

In total, nature’s free ecosystems services – including crop pollination, water purification, flood protection and carbon sequestration – are worth an estimated USD 140 trillion each year, roughly one and a half times the total GDP.

  The OECD

Corporates & Developers


Supply Chain Mitigation, Meeting Regulatory Requirements, Education and Training

  • We work with corporate customers who have supply chain mitigation requirements and desire bespoke projects to inset their impact, including for developers BNG (England and Wales) or for CSR purposes. 

  • For many businesses the first step is to simply understand their supply chain impact and risks in more detail.  We offer supply chain risk assessments including; carbon & biodiversity footprinting; due diligence, screening and reporting. These steps can also be the start of wider work that enables clients to begin the re-architecture of their value chains.  

  • Increasingly clients require high impact projects that combine a range of c0-benefits, in addition to carbon and GHG removal, with rural communities at the centre. We design nature first, circular local economy projects and provide access to existing UK and International Partnerships that our customers may wish to utilise and support. 

  • We also help clients develop and demonstrate thought leadership on sustainability, which can be expressed through roundtables, events and media partnerships, as well as identify projects offering education for employees and other key stakeholders. 

Landowners & Managers

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Maximising Natural Assets and Sustainable Land Use

  • We help land owners and managers optimise their natural capital assets and develop plans for generating ecosystem service revenues. Depending on the nature and location, landscapes may be suitable for biodiversity uplift, carbon sequestration, downstream flood protection or water quality improvement.

  • Devising strategic solutions to maximise sustainable land use can also include implementing regenerative agriculture practices, renewable energy solutions and nature-based enterprises. 

  • Whatever the requirements we have the expertise to design each project including financing options and if required manage implementation through to completion, all backed and led by proven independent science. 



Connect to New Revenue Streams

  • With the growth of Nature Finance Markets, conservation NGO's are increasingly looking at the potential for diversifying income streams from the sale of ecosystem services.

  • These can include Carbon, Biodiversity, Water and Soil Management alongside Community Benefit. However accessing these markets and understanding the financial and scientific requirements comes with its own challenges. We help from initial conception and guide clients through each step, including recommendations for MRV (Measurement Reporting and Verification), project management, and even connect individual corporate buyers or partners. 

  • We also offer access to world leading scientific institutes that can help you develop vital new research and data. 

Natural Capital Investors

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High Quality Nature Based Solutions

Investment prospects in nature-based solutions are flourishing, driven by the overhaul of global sectors such as food, extractives, real estate, and infrastructure—major contributors to nature's decline.


We help design and deliver high-impact co-benefit projects that incorporate verified carbon removal, biodiversity uplift, water management and community benefit.  


We work with project developers and NGO's in Europe, Australia, Asia, Central and North America,

Types of Natural Capital for Investment 


  • Forestry and land use

  • Sustainable agriculture

  • Biodiversity

  • Natural flood defences

  • Freshwater resources (e.g. wetlands, peatlands)

  • Coastal resilience (e.g. coral reefs, mangroves)

  • Fisheries/ Oceans


Environmental Service Providers 

Gleann Mor works with the largest network of ecologists in the UK and is able to leverage the expertise of a wide range of Environmental Service and Technical Solution Providers. Combined with access to leading global research and scientific institutes, this gives our clients an extraordinary breadth of expertise to draw upon. 

Woodland Creation & Forestry 

Peatland Restoration


Biodiversity & Soil Management 

Renewable Energy Solutions

Regenerative Agriculture 

Vertical Farming

Research, Science & M.R.V

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